this is a list of GERMAN words used in english that are either hard to translate or sound BESSER AUF DEUTSCH!!!
ANGST--fear, dread
DOPPELGANGER--"double goer"-one's other half?
ERSATZ-- fake
GESTALT--the whole idea from the parts
HINTERLAND-you know this, i hope!
LEBENSRAUM- "living space"-what hitler wanted!!
LEITMOTIV-the quest of richard wagner
POLTERGEIST--as in the movie
SCHADENFREUDE-- "shameful joy" used by lisa simpson
STURM UND DRANG--sounds cool but don't pronounce it like a girly man!!
UBER--means over and above in german--uberjock, ubernerd
WELTANSCHAUUNG-political or philosophic "world view"
WELTSCHMERZ-- "world pain"
ZEITGEIST--the spirit of the times
The Crime Doctor Solves the Millerson Case
14 hours ago
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