JOHN CROMWELL--a tribute
WHO?? well. if you mention his films, people will say "oh, that's one of my favorites"..something to that effect, but not know the DIRECTOR..considered a good "studio" director he was criticised for being unoriginal and workmanlike..he was also terribly self-effacing--minimizing his contributions to the film industry..he is also not mentioned in "501 MOVIE DIRECTORS" by stephen jay are my favorites in chronological order..i have also included a link to a short bio from nndb...yes, JAMES CROMWELL is his son and he was on the BLACKLIST
#!. OF HUMAN BONDAGE--early BD as a trashy waitress..sure she overacts but who's SOMERSET MAUGHAM!!
#2. THE PRISONER OF ZENDA--lots of fun in RURITANIA with the incomparable RONALD COLMAN
#3. ALGIERS--yes, i have seen the original PEPE LE MOKO..but charles boyer is fantastic and way better than gabin
#4. ABE LINCOLN IN ILLINOIS--terrific performance by RAYMOND MASSEY..much better than henry fonda
#5. SINCE YOU WENT AWAY--big time WWII soaper with claudette colbert but still a great, overlooked film
#6. ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM--a masterful production with IRENE DUNNE and a very young REX HARRISON
#8. THE RACKET--a great noirish remake of the 1928 lewis milestone film
The Crime Doctor Solves the Millerson Case
17 hours ago
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